Battlefield 2042 Update 8.5.0 Released Out Now Electronic Arts DICE Improve loading screens plus fix many in-game issues — this update.

Enhanced Loading Screens

Among some of the key highlights in Update 8.5.0 is the visual revamp of loading screens in all game modes. “Players will now get clearer descriptions and icons” explaining the rules of each mode before a match starts. It’s an effort to be not just more informative, but also more visually stimulating. Moreover, creators who use Custom Experiences in Battlefield Portal also have heightened affordability with descriptions of their modes, providing players a better idea of how custom games work.

General Fixes

The update also fixes a range of general problems:

Resolved overlapping input prompts on the deploy screen

AI Improvements

AI soldiers are fine-tuned for gameplay:

The behavior of such AI units when they leave the defined areas (i.e. the snowy-cold shipwreck) is also improved, meaning that they will survive longer and come back to engage.

Vehicle Enhancements

Updates related to vehicles include:

UH-60 Black Hawk — Staging sequence has been added for this vehicle.

Camera Transitions Switching between views of the seats in vehicles now has smoother camera transitions.

Projectiles: Resolved an issue causing certain projectiles not to render when launching from above the valid region for air vehicles keeping all weapons functional.

Progression Adjustments

In order to enhance player progression:

Event Pass Purchase: Resolved a glitch where players were unable to purchase the accelerated event pass after completing all levels, enabling them to access event-related content appropriately.

DICE continues to listen to feedback from Battlefield 2042 players, and Update 8.5.0 proves it. These new features are designed to improve the quality and form of gameplay.

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