Adventure Time Series Is Return: This year, Adventure Time is making a comeback with a brand-new comic series that will transport readers back to Ooo for a whole new collection of stories featuring the franchise’s most cherished characters.
The series established a niche for itself in popular culture, and it’s exciting that the next chapter of its legacy will be crafted in the comic book form. According to Polygon, Adventure Time, which is written and illustrated by a changing group of authors, will return with a new monthly series from Oni Press. The first arc will be called “Best of Buds.” After the 2018 TV series finale and the previous comic incarnation, the comic will carry on Finn and Jake’s adventures.
Although there aren’t many specifics available, fans of the franchise will be ecstatic to see new adventures starring their favorite pair because Adventure Time Legend and the Kingdom of Ooo are so spectacular.
Fans of Adventure Time, Take Heart! Finn and Jake Are Back in the Franchise’s New Comic Series
It is evident from the cover art and the new arc title that Finn and Jake will play a central role in this new Adventure Time comic. They were, after all, the series’ primary selling point when it was first introduced. With spin-offs like Distant Lands and Fionna and Cake highlighting recurring characters, many of Ooo’s residents have had their moment since Adventure Time ended. But naturally, a lot of fans have been wondering where Finn and Jake are, and this comic attempts to provide a satisfying response.
Writer and illustrator Nick Winn has confirmed that the new plot would include all of the elements that fans have grown to love about Adventure Time, which should reassure fans. He claims that the series played a significant role in his own childhood and that it has been a valuable chance to see Ooo again.
This new arc, which was written by a fan for the fans of the series, has the potential to be one of the greatest Adventure Time storylines to date, especially considering Winn’s passion for the comic.
There is a rotating roster of talented authors and artists in Adventure Time’s comic return.
The roster of talent that will be switched up throughout the new series to carry on Finn and Jake’s adventure is possibly the most thrilling aspect of Adventure Time’s comeback. Among the authors and illustrators contributing to this new plot are Nick Winn, Asia Simone, Brenda Hickey, Jorge Monlongo, Caroline Cash, and even “former Adventure Time writer and storyboard artist Derek Ballard.” With so much ability, this new series has the potential to be something very remarkable since it tells a story that only comics can tell and uses a diversity of artistic styles to portray the series’ enchantment.
Oni Press anticipates Adventure Time #1 to be available for purchase on April 9, 2025. The reappearance of Finn and Jake in some capacity has long been anticipated by series fans. Although there have been many spin-offs, the pair has only appeared in one narrative in the last seven years, in an episode of Distant Lands. But now that the two adventure-loving companions are returned for a new plot, Oni Press’s triumphant return of Adventure Time might be the greatest trip to Ooo since the debut of Distant Lands.
Source: Polygon
More : TV-Series
Oni Press will release Adventure Time #1 on April 9, 2025!